Application of graphical representations and visualization to the problems solving with fractions: a transition to the algorithm




Algorithms, Fractions, Concept formation, Teaching methods, Word problems, Problem solving


A qualitative-descriptive research is presented, which sought to give meaning to fractions through the use of graphic representations; this bet seeks that students understand the context of the problem posed and, in turn, resignify the notion of fraction and its conception as an operator. The analysis and follow-up of three class sessions and the worksheets of 12-year-old students in seventh grade at an educational institution in the department of Chocó (Colombia), was carried out by means of an instrumental case study. The transition from graphic representation to the construction of algorithms to solve application problems is promoted. In this process, students worked on understanding of the task; however, some resist the conceptual change privileging the use of algorithms, without understanding the implications that they would have if the result isresult required to be applied to a real situation. Students move between the algorithm and the representation, according to what they consider optimal to solve the task. The support offered by the visualization of the problem is highlighted, as it strengthens their understanding and facilitates their approach with more conceptual tools.


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How to Cite

Ríos-Cuesta, W. (2021). Application of graphical representations and visualization to the problems solving with fractions: a transition to the algorithm. Revista Virtual Universidad Católica Del Norte, (63), 196–222.



Artículos de Investigación