Lovemarks attributes in Bogota's universities an evaluation




Love, Intimacy, Lovemarks, Brand, Mystery, Respect


Lovermark or brand love, has been a term that has become relevant in recent years in the field of marketing, hence it is considered important to study it in various contexts This article aims to evaluate the attributes of the Lovemarks in Bogotá. For this, a deductive approach was used, under a quantitative research modality. The population was represented by 198 students, 9 administrative, 9 teachers and 25 graduates from different universities in Bogotá. An open and closed question survey was used as the data collection instrument. This survey showed that the attribute "respect" was the one that obtained a more favorable Path coefficient with respect to "love", followed by "intimacy, "mystery" and finally the attribute "sensuality". Concluding that the love mark is related to the confidence that users feel towards the brand, represented in this case by Bogotá universities, which is influenced by the bond created by students, administrators and graduates towards them. For future research it is suggested to address the attributes of the brand in a much wider population are addressed, to have a greater scope of validity, taking as reference the findings obtained in the present study, so that a longitudinal study can be constructed.


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How to Cite

Romero Jiménez, W., Uribe Torres, G. A., Rojas-Berrio, S., & Robayo-Pinzón, O. (2021). Lovemarks attributes in Bogota’s universities an evaluation. Revista Virtual Universidad Católica Del Norte, (63), 223–244.



Artículos de Investigación