Age-related hearing loss (ARHL) and linguistic processing in a group older adults colombian




Hearing, Audiometry, Language, Aging


Hearing decline and changes in language processing are present in older adults as a result of aging. The research determined the relationship between age-related hearing loss (HLRA) and language processing in a group of older adults. A quantitative, nonexperimental, correlation study was conducted with multivariate analysis in a sample of sixty-one (61) older adults, who underwent audiological tests of tonal audiometry and logoaudiometry; to measure the level of ARHL and the Battery for the A Assessment of Aphasic Disorders (BETA) to evaluate language processing in both normal and pathological population. Nearly 90 per cent of the total population had mild to moderate age-related hearing loss (ARHL)decline in high frequencies, normal speech discrimination (70%) and slightly decreased language processing in both comprehension and expression. The statistical relationship between hearing sensitivity and speech discrimination was verified in the linguistic impairment of the object denomination (,048), actions (,033) verbal fluency (0.33 and 0.48 and hearing compression (,046). This study concluded that hearing sensitivity and speech discrimination are related to linguistic impairment in the geriatric population.


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How to Cite

Lastre Meza, K. S., Consuegra Florez, E. L., & Suarez Castillo, D. (2023). Age-related hearing loss (ARHL) and linguistic processing in a group older adults colombian. Revista Virtual Universidad Católica Del Norte, (68), 120–139.



Artículos de Investigación