Effects of a videogame in learning and students’ motivation in a science course





Active learning, Game-based Learning, Natural Sciences, Cognitive theory of multimedia learning, Videogame


One of the challenges for science teachers is to motivate their students to positively impact learning and knowledge retention. For this reason, a game was developed that was designed considering the Cognitive theory of multimedia learning and the game-based learning approach. This article presents the results of an educational experiment that measured this game in the learning and retention of knowledge in ninth grade students. The students were randomly assigned to two groups: the experimental group, who used the game, or the control group, who used traditional methodologies. The quantitative approach and an experimental paradigm were used. The results regarding learning revealed that the experimental group increased their knowledge more than the control group (t (54) = 4.9, p < .05). Similar results were obtained in knowledge retention, where statistically significant differences were found in favor of the experimental group (t (54) = 5.93, p < .05), as were the effects on the motivation to learn (t (54) = 8.49, p < .05). Finally, it is concluded that the use of these tools in the teaching of Natural Sciences is pertinent to improve the academic performance of students.


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How to Cite

Patiño García, S. J., & Garzón, J. (2024). Effects of a videogame in learning and students’ motivation in a science course. Revista Virtual Universidad Católica Del Norte, (71), 81–104. https://doi.org/10.35575/rvucn.n71a5



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