Why am I assigned to attend these classes when they are just filler? Narratives of humanities instruction in university contexts





Learning, Higher education, Teaching, Humanities, Imaginaries, Representations


The teaching of humanities in higher education has been the subject of criticism and debate due to its apparent lack of relevance in the modern world. This qualitative study aimed to analyze the imaginaries and representations of students and educators regarding humanities in higher education, with the purpose of formulating possible scenarios and approaches for humanistic education in this context, thereby addressing the gap between perceptions and reality. In-depth interviews were conducted with students and educators, focusing on a narrative approach characteristic of qualitative research, to gather perceptions about humanities in higher education. Content analysis techniques were employed to identify key elements in participants' imaginaries and representations. The analysis revealed a diversity of imaginaries and representations regarding humanities in higher education. Some emphasized its relevance for the development of critical skills and reflective thinking, while others expressed doubts about its practical applicability in the workplace. The findings enable the formulation of humanistic education approaches that respond to current challenges to foster a deeper understanding of humanities and their relevance in comprehensive education in today's society.


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How to Cite

Pineda Martínez , E. O., & Orozco Pineda, P. A. (2024). Why am I assigned to attend these classes when they are just filler? Narratives of humanities instruction in university contexts. Revista Virtual Universidad Católica Del Norte, (72), 74–95. https://doi.org/10.35575/rvucn.n72a4



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