Socioeconomic inequality and stratification in relation with cultural individualism and collectivism: a theoretical discussion of its construction from social psychology




Collectivism, Socioeconomic inequality, Individualism, Cultural orientation, Social and cultural psycholog


Introduction. Here it is raised the problem of inequality in the distribution of wealth and the importance and contribution of Social Psychology in its discussion and understanding, in relation to cultural individualism and collectivism (IC). Method. A critical content analysis was carried out based on a systematic search of scientific literature, giving priority to the bibliography of the last ten years, with the aim of analyzing the influence of the individualist-collectivist orientation of culture on inequality and socioeconomic stratification from a psychosocial perspective. Results. After reviewing the literature, the content was organized in a descending logic, from the most general to the most particular. First a relationship between psychology and culture is presented, then the cultural IC is raised from an ecological perspective. Subsequently, the IC is reviewed with respect to the self-image. The IC is then linked to its vertical and horizontal perspectives. Finally, associations between IC, socioeconomic inequality and social stratification are presented. Conclusion. It is proposed that there is a relationship between individualist-collectivist cultural orientation and socioeconomic inequality, where more collectivist societies show higher levels of inequality, which may be related to a higher level of social conformism, tolerance of injustice and obedience to authority, which are part of the psychosocial way to construct hierarchical structures, which are mental and material at the same time, while both dimensions dynamically interdepend on each other.


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How to Cite

Chaverri Chaves, P., & Fernández Sedano, I. (2022). Socioeconomic inequality and stratification in relation with cultural individualism and collectivism: a theoretical discussion of its construction from social psychology. Revista Virtual Universidad Católica Del Norte, (67), 324–364.



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