Analysis of entrepreneurship profiles in young university students




Entrepreneurial attitude, University students, Higher education institutions, Entrepreneurial intention


Although much has been said about the university environment, the academic offer in entrepreneurship, the creation and operation of centers for the invention of companies the higher education institutions, little attention has been given to the different profiles of students in terms of entrepreneurship is concerned. This is why this research takes the data collected by the GUESSS project (Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Student's Survey) for the Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano (Medellín, Colombia), in its latest version (2018-2019), in order to identify some of these profiles and the differences compared to variables related to the entrepreneurial spirit of young university students. The statistical analyzes used, both parametric (ANOVA) and non-parametric (Kruskal Wallis), allowed us to conclude that there are no differences between university entrepreneurial climate, program learning and subjective norms for the analyzed profiles; contrary to the differences detected between variables such as entrepreneurial intention and attitude. The identification of such differences contributes to the promotion of strategies within higher education institutions in their role to promote the training of future entrepreneurs and generate a culture of entrepreneurship.


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How to Cite

Arango-Botero, D., Valencia-Arias , J., Palacios-Moya, L., & Garcés Giraldo, L. F. . (2022). Analysis of entrepreneurship profiles in young university students. Revista Virtual Universidad Católica Del Norte, (67), 37–67.



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