An analysis of the barriers of mathematical modelling in the educational practice of the elementary school teacher




Professional knowledge, Professional development, Mathematical modelling, Educational practice, Elementary school teacher


This article aims to disclose an analysis of the literature on the implementation of mathematical modelling in the educational practice of elementary school teachers[1]. After reviewing and analyzing articles and research through some coding and categorization methods, it was possible to establish elements that can support the study in question, such as mathematical modelling, a reflection About the curriculum in Colombia; development and professional knowledge of the teacher of mathematics; Mathematical modelling in elementary school: obstacles and challenges. Barriers presented by the teacher when trying to teach mathematics through a modeling process were recognized; even one of the relevant aspects would be to strengthen his professional knowledge with which he could take on challenges and overcome obstacles when he tries to teach through the said process. It concludes that it is relevant to generate spaces for professional development based on modelling, intending to strengthen the teacher's knowledge for a possible transformation of their educational practice.


[1] Product of a doctoral thesis: “Transformation of the educational practice of the elementary school teacher based on mathematical modelling”, of the Doctorate in Education program, Faculty of Education, University of Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Bossio Vélez, J. L., Santa Ramírez , Z. M. ., & Jaramillo López, C. M. . (2023). An analysis of the barriers of mathematical modelling in the educational practice of the elementary school teacher. Revista Virtual Universidad Católica Del Norte, (68), 255–285.



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